Wednesday 8 September 2010

Happilyraw helpful hints for digestion…

At Happilyraw, we often advertise promotions which highlight individual products, celebrate a special date in the diary or simply offer superb discounts to our customers. The promotion given below offered an 8% discount across the whole website for the first 8 people to use the discount code. We have posted it on our blog so that you can still read all about this promotion and what we had to offer. We encourage everyone to sign up to our newsletters and bulletins so that you don’t miss out on any offers like this in the future. But don’t worry, we will not use your email address to contact you without reason as detailed in our full Terms & Conditions. So although this promotion is no longer valid, you can still read about the many fabulous products that we have to offer. Simply click on any of the highlighted product names for more information…

Issued Tuesday 27th July

In this issue, we had an fantastic Special Offer…the first 8 people to use the given discount code would have received an 8% discount off their order on any products in store. No minimum order. Discount excludes VAT and delivery charges.

The importance of good digestion...

What we eat to nourish our body is only part of the answer to achieving vibrant health. We also need to adequately break down our food so that the nutrients can be of benefit to us, otherwise we might be wasting all the healthy food that we are eating, or worse still, it might be causing us digestive distress which can compromise our health. As most of us have strained this function of our body over the years, we can still support ourselves with some of the following ideas and products. Simply click on any of the highlighted products below for more information...

Digestive Enzymes...

Enzymes are vital for every metabolic, hormonal and digestive process in the body. Enzymes are produced by the body to help completely break down food for proper absorption. In order to thoroughly digest our food, we need to chew it properly, maintain the correct acid levels in the stomach and achieve a consistent transit time through the small and large intestines.

Upon entering the small intestine, the pancreas releases three main digestive enzymes: protease to digest protein; lipase to digest fat; and amylase to digest carbohydrates. Our natural enzyme reserve can be prematurely depleted due to the consumption of processed foods, lifestyle stresses and ill health, so that every process in the body becomes less efficient resulting in a range of potential health problems, like allergies, inflammation, metabolism issues and nutrient deficiency.

Happilyraw offers a range of digestive enzyme supplements including our new Essential Digestive Plus which stimulates the growth of the friendly bacteria, Bifidobacterium, to aid digestion, absorption of essential minerals and the synthesis of vitamins. LifeGive HHI-Zyme, formulated by the Hippocrates Institute, contains a full spectrum of plant-based digestive enzymes to help your body absorb essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals. E3 Enzymes Supreme is a digestive and cleansing blend of plant-based enzymes and other plant-based derivatives.


Historically, herbs have been used extensively for maintaining health. There are certain herbs that can be considered more relevant when seeking to maintain good digestion and intestinal health. Happilyraw offers a very extensive range of organic, wildcrafted and pesticide-free herbs. Those specifically related to digestion include Aloe Vera and Aloe Ferox, Ginger, Neem, Triphala, Cloves, Green Black Walnut, Wormwood, Cat's Claw, Pau d'Arco, Noni, Peppermint, Fennel and Cardamom. Choose from loose herbs, capsules or tinctures, depending on your preferences.

Please note that due to UK law, we are unable to share any further information regarding the possible benefits and appropriate uses of herbs. We strongly recommend that you undertake thorough research before consuming these herb products to ensure that they are suitable for your individual circumstances, especially if your are pregnant, breast feeding or taking any prescription medications. You may find the 'Useful Links' page on our website helpful.


Probiotics help to rebalance the bacteria within the human intestines because the unfriendly bacteria have often been allowed to flourish due to the high sugar and acid contents of our diet. Healthy human intestines contain billions of micro-organisms (bacteria), both good and bad. By restoring this balance with friendly bacteria, the gut can function and digest food more efficiently, immune function is supported and synthesis can occur of a wide variety of vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

For a more gentle start in rebalancing your gut flora, Probiotic 14 is a superior blend of 14 viable strains of friendly bacteria, containing 4.5 billion CFU (colony forming units) per capsule. For those people who wish to take higher quantities of CFU, Complete Probiotics packs 66 billion CFU gut-friendly bacteria in every capsule, making it a very cost effective and therapeutic choice (please let us know if you would appreciate us stocking the 90 capsule bottles). For longer term maintenance, Nature's Biotics is a soil-based probiotic formula that helps to maintain bowel health and support the immune system.

Intestinal Cleansing...

In the same way that we clean our skin, the inner skin of our intestinal lining benefits from regular cleansing. Colon cleansing should be an important part of our self-care because much of the food that we eat today is refined, preserved, coloured, genetically engineered and treated with many chemicals. This can hinder the effective digestion and absorption of health-sustaining nutrients through the colon wall as debris is not eliminated and can build up, providing a breeding ground for bad bacteria.

Expertly blended herbs used for cleansing, in conjunction with changes to your diet and lifestyle can be very beneficial to your overall health, including easing the strain on your other organs of elimination such as the liver, kidneys and the skin. The high quality and thoroughly researched herbal formulas used in the Blessed Herbs range of colon cleansing kits are designed to restore and encourage the natural functions of your entire digestive system. Happilyraw also supplies safe equipment for enemas, including non-roasted coffee.

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The information and products provided on this site are for your information and educational purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The statements on this website should not be considered as medical advice and we strongly recommend working in partnership with an appropriately qualified healthcare professional.

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